Sun spots, age spots & other pigmented lesions
Don’t let age define you, change the way you age. People have huge inhibitions about how aging affects the skin tremendously with wrinkles and fine lines appearing and often look at this phase of the life with repulsion. However, we at KIARA lifestyle clinic feel that this phase is beautiful and filled with wisdom and knowledge and help you embrace it as gracefully as it should be. With a team of the best dermatologists and surgeons in Delhi, we evaluate and analyse your skin considering the medical history and offer you the best treatment for you.
We at kiara lifestyle clinic help you embrace the aging than acquiesce it. Exposure to sun is a major cause for wrinkles and hence is most evident on areas most exposed to sun such as face, arms, neck. While genes play an important role in determining the face structure and texture, it is sun exposure which renders to wrinkling of the skin. Other external factors and personal choice of lifestyle can further contribute to wrinkles as well, like smoking and indulgence in alcohol.
Wrinkles are fine lines and creases than delve into your skin and are most evident around eyes, mouth and skin. If you’re perturbed about wrinkles, you have abundance of options, thanks to advanced discovery in the field of science, from medications to fillers and surgeries, our team of the best skin specialists in Delhi can offer you the most affective and affordable option keeping your desires and expectations in mind. We have a specific delineated anti-aging treatment section that you may want to check out for better understanding.
Whereas there are certain factors you can control, there are certain which are inevitable. Let’s have a look at them.
1. Age: As one gets older, the skin produces fewer natural oils, collagen rendering it to being less elastic and drier and more delicate. Fat stored in deeper layers of the skin also ebbs contributing to loose and saggy skin with evident crevices and lines.
2. Sun Exposure: The harmful ultraviolet radiations or UV rays amplifies the aging process as it breaks down the important tissues stored in the dermis i.e. deeper in skin, collagen and elastin fibre. Without these tissues, skin weakens and becomes less flexible causing it to sag.
3. Smoking: Smoking has an adverse effect on collagen and precipitate the aging process of the skin profusely.
4. Repeated Facial Expressions: As they say, wrinkles merely go where the smiles have been and it’s beautiful however whenever you use a facial muscle, a curve forms beneath the skin and as we age, the skin loses the power to spring it back in place, with those curves becoming permanent and evident.
Thanks to the medical advancements, there are many treatments available for smoothening of wrinkles and making them less evident. The right treatment can be advised only after a perusal of your skin, lifestyle habits and medical history. From medications like retinoids to surgical procedures and techniques like lasers, chemical peels, dermabrasion, BTX and fillers, we at Kiara lifestyle clinic have profound knowledge and are highly competent in performing them all, known to deliver the best results in Delhi.
Other Treatments

Pigmentation Reduction treatment

Hirsutism/ Excess Hair Growth treatment

Eczema/ Allergies/ Urticaria/ Psoriasis Management

Derma Roller for Scars & Skin Rejuvenation

Fungal and bacterial Skin & scalp infections

Treatment for leucoderma

Scar Correction

Milia/ Warts/ Corn Removal


PRF for Non-Healing wounds

Mole Removal

Non-surgical Therapy for Non-healing wounds and Facial Rejuvenation

Ear Lobe Repair

Keloids Treatments

All forms of Skin Tag removal

Acne/Pimples Management
Our Expert
About Dr. Kriti Jain
Dr. Kriti Jain is the founder of Kiara Clinic and practices as a Dermatologist and Hair Transplant surgeon. She has a brilliant academic record and is involved in many national presentations and has several prestigious publications in her name. Dr. Kriti is one of the most qualified doctors with over 8 years of experience to her credit in this field, She has a keen interest and fine hand for the surgical procedures in Dermatology. She has given a new dimension to this ever-expanding field with her impeccable skills in cosmetology.