How To Treat SUI Without Surgery? Laser Vaginal Tightening 

Women most commonly experience stress urinary incontinence (SUI) while coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising.

SUI occurs when urine leaks during physical activity, increasing abdominal pressure. When the tissues surrounding the bladder and urethra weaken during bursts of physical activity, it results in the bladder “neck” falling. Women prefer non-invasive treatments like Laser vaginal tightening to treat SUI.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to treat SUI without surgery, keep reading below

How To Treat SUI Without Surgery?

A fall in the urethra may result in the urethra being unable to control pee flow. SUI (Stress Urinary Incontinence) occurs when the sphincter muscle that controls the urethra weakens. The weaker sphincter muscle cannot halt urine flow in normal circumstances or when there is an increase in abdominal pressure.

Pregnancy, delivery, aging, or previous pelvic surgery can cause weakness.

How Is Stress Urinary Incontinence Treated in Women?

Doctors can treat SUI non-surgically or surgically in women. Before determining whether or not to have surgery, consider several factors:

  • The intensity of your SUI symptoms and how they affect your day-to-day life
  • Your desire for a future pregnancy, as vaginal delivery, might lead to a return of SUI symptoms,
  • Necessitating surgery in the future
  • A cosmetic way of treating SUI non-invasively is Laser Vaginal tightening.

Nonsurgical Treatment Options

Collagen injections around the urethra thicken the region surrounding the urethra, lowering pee production. Nonsurgical treatment options for SUI include:

  • Pelvic floor exercises aim to strengthen the muscles around the urethra, vaginal, and rectum openings by contracting and relaxing them.
  • Kegel exercises enhance muscular strength and function and may help the bladder hold urine for extended periods.
  • The effects of collagen infection won’t last in rare cases.
  • Avoiding actions that cause leakage episodes is one example of behavioral modification.

Laser Vaginal Tightening

Laser vaginal tightening is a painless surgery that tightens the vagina to prevent and control problems caused by increasing vaginal wall laxity. The vaginal walls of the female leave laser marks in which the laser probe was inserted. The inner vaginal walls of the vagina are penetrated by the laser beam around 0.5 millimetres deep.

The vaginal tightening procedure lasts for roughly 20 minutes every session. The female receives no anaesthesia. Laser energy is released by laser probe. In order to increase the stimulation of protein in the vaginal walls and restore their natural tightness, the laser beam is made to enter inside of them. The laser therapy is safe for women and the vagina and has received medical approval. After laser vaginal tightening, there are no dietary or lifestyle restrictions.

How Does Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) Affect You?

SUI is the major factor affecting a person’s quality of life.

  • SUI  is not a life-threatening sickness but can gradually erode a person’s self-confidence and lead to increasingly limited activities— avoiding things that can cause leaking.
  • People may feel humiliated.
  • It’s vital to seek help if you’re experiencing stress incontinence.
  • Putting one’s ability to perform daily duties to a halt
  • Taking away the capacity to participate in sports
  • Causes unwelcoming lifestyle modifications
  • A source of apprehension about having intercourse because of the risk of leakage
  • There are numerous therapy choices and ways to receive assistance.

Myths about Urinary Incontinence Caused by Stress (SUI)

One of the most common SUI myths is that:

  • There is nothing that you can do about it.
  • It is a normal component of the aging process that can only be rectified by surgery.
  • It’s time to act if SUI affects day-to-day existence and decisions about how to conduct one’s life. You should start by speaking with your family doctor about all the possible treatments and choices.


When the pelvic floor muscles and the urethral sphincter lose their strength, stress urinary incontinence (SUI) ensues (the muscle or valve that holds the bladder in place).

Post Care And Follow-Ups:

All you need to call Kiara Clinic at +91 8010790790 / +91 9015 111 222
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