Hair transplantation involves harvesting of donor hair follicles from permanent hair- bearing skin at the back and/or sides of the scalp (donor area) by directly removing individual follicular units using special equipment’s (FUE=FOLLICULAR UNIT EXTRACTION). The best hair transplant doctors believe that FUE is a much better choice as compared to other conventional methods (FUT or strip method). In this technique the follicular units are removed individually from the donor area. This process does not require a stitch line and hence the amount of scarring is also minimal.

In our institute, Kiara Clinic, we believe in giving the best hair loss treatment and offer our eligible patients “BIO/ADVANCED – Follicular Unit Extraction” hair transplant technique. From scalp to beard hair transplant or even eyebrow hair transplant, FUE is highly efficient and beneficial.

Who is a good candidate for Hair Transplant?

  • Male pattern baldness (Androgenic alopecia)
  • Patients who want to improve the appearance of previous hair transplant surgery, seeking best hair loss treatment
  • Motivated patients, patient ready to wait for 6 months to a year or more for optimal results and realistic in their expectations as to what can be achieved
  • Patients with other causes of hair loss eg., burn, trauma or Surgery

What is BIO/Advanced FUE?

Considered to be the best hair loss treatment, it comprises of hair transplantation by FUE along with non-surgical therapy which simultaneously enhances residual hair as well as transplanted hair by presence of high concentration of growth factors directly near the hair roots and stimulation of STEMCELLS.

The advantages of this procedure are:

  • To preserve & enhance hair follicle viability during and after transplant;
  • To reinvigorate dormant hair follicles and stimulate new hair growth.
  • Decreased out of body time of follicles causing early & better survival.
  • Better healing of both recipient and donor areas.
  • Improvement in quality of pre-existing and residual hair.

This procedure is also favoured in some cases where the demand for the number of hair grafts is less and the area of grafting is minimal. For e.g.: eyebrow, small alopecic patches of the scalp or for repeat sittings in the same patient.

What happens during the procedure?

Hair transplantation is a minor out- patient surgery that requires 4-12 hours and is usually performed under local anaesthesia. No dietary restrictions are required.

The desired area of hair transplantation is discussed with the patient and the area is marked preoperatively.

  • Now we perform hair transplantation by FUE technique which involves direct removal of individual follicular units (each contains 1-4 hairs) with the help of specialized equipment. As no cutting and suturing is required in this method the cosmetic results are excellent in the donor area with No visible scarring.
  • These small grafts are then meticulously planted into the bald or thinning area of the scalp (recipient area) maintaining same angle as the other hair present.

What happens after hair transplant surgery?

  • Within 24 hours small crusts will form on each graft that is then shed in approximately 2-3 weeks
  • The grafted hairs will often start to grow by 2-4 months and full results are achieved at ~ 1 year after the procedure.
  • A minority of patients may experience mild swelling in the forehead area for a few days following surgery which goes away in 3-4 days.
  • Patient may be asked to use moist compresses or sprays and to sleep in a semi upright position for 2-3 days following the procedure to minimize swelling.

How many Hairs / Follicular units are required?

This assessment is based on the area to be transplanted and the eventual hair density required. In most cases, we keep hair density of 35-45FU/cm2. .¬¬A rough estimate is given below (in red ) in terms follicular units. Kindly note each FU contains 2-3 hairs.

Post-Operative Dressing and Healing

Renowned for having the best hair transplant doctors in Indirapuram, we provide a detailed post-operative instruction sheet to the patients so any possible events do not come as a surprise to them.

Bandaging – is preferred as it prevents postoperative oozing. While it is true that FUE wounds close very early, still a bandage is preferred as small bleeding points and staining over pillow cover may cause anxiety to the patients. Since the area here is large we prefer to use thick rectangular pad. An antibiotic cream is also used, as it prevents adherence of the pad to the raw areas. The bandage is removed the next day.

Return to work and travelling – Purely from a medical view point, patients can return to work with a cap the next day. Patient should understand that FUE area remain noticeable for a least a couple of weeks hence those for whom wearing  a cap is not an option such as teachers, may need to apply for a leave for 7 to 10 days. Travelling is allowed from the next day.

Exercise – Follicular unit extraction patients can start all exercises and yoga from the very next day.
